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Source: Lanham & Hallowes 1956
Author: Lanham, Leonard; Hallowes, D. P.
Full name: An outline of the structure of eastern Bushman.
Publisher data: In: African studies (Johannesburg), 15 (3), pp. 97-118.
Language(s): ǀǀXegwi
Code(s): kwi-xeg
Description: A sketch of ǀǀXegwi phonology and grammar without any texts or glossaries, but containing an important selection of illustrative lexical data.
Source: Last & Lucassen 1998
Author: Last, Marco; Lucassen, Deborah
Full name: A grammatical sketch of Chai, a Southeastern Surmic language.
Publisher data: In: Surmic Languages and Cultures. Ed. by Gerrit J. Dim\-men\-daal & Marco Last. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, pp. 375-436.
Language(s): Chai
Code(s): srm-cai
Description: Rather brief grammatical sketch of the Chai language of Suri, accompanied with a small, but seemingly accurately transcribed, vocabulary.
Source: Le Bris & Prost 1981
Author: Le Bris, Pierre; Prost, André
Full name: Dictionnaire Bobo-Français, précédé d'une Introduction grammaticale et suivi d'un Lexique français-bobo.
Publisher data: Paris: SELAF.
Language(s): Bobo, Southern Madaré
Code(s): wmn-bob
Description: Detailed dictionary of the siā-dā (Bobo-Dioulasso) dialect of the Bobo language, accompanied with a comprehensive grammar sketch.
Source: LEDb
Author: Starostin, Sergei A.
Full name: Lezgian Etymological Database.
Publisher data: Online database.
Language(s): Udi, Nizh
Code(s): lez-udn
Description: Computerized version of the Proto-Lezgian corpus, available at Includes some Proto-Lezgian etymologies (mostly basic lexicon items) that have not been included in [NCED] due to their lack of external cognates in other branches of North Caucasian.
Source: Leer 1991
Author: Leer, J. A.
Full name: The Schetic Categories of the Tlingit Verb.
Publisher data: PhD dissertation. University of Chicago.
Language(s): Tlingit
Code(s): nde-tli
Description: Detailed study of the Tlingit verbal system.
Source: Lepsius 1880
Author: Lepsius, R.
Full name: Nubische Grammatik. Mit einer Einleitung über die Völker und Sprachen Afrikas.
Publisher data: Berlin: Verlag von Wilhelm Hertz.
Language(s): Nobiin
Code(s): nub-nob
Description: R. Lepsius' classic grammatical description of Nubian that also includes examples of texts and a large vocabulary for both the Kenuzi-Dongola and the Nobiin (Mahas) dialects / languages. Despite some relatively minor inaccuracies corrected in later sources, the work still remains relevant to this day.
Source: Leyew 2005
Author: Leyew, Zelealem
Full name: Gwama, a little-known language of Ethiopia: a sketch of its grammar and lexicon.
Publisher data: In: ELRC Working Papers, 1/1, pp. 1-52.
Language(s): Kwama
Code(s): kom-kwm
Description: A short phonological and grammatical sketch, based on the author's own fieldwork with speakers in Addis Ababa. Contains a small vocabulary of the language.
Source: Li 1930
Author: Li, Fang-Kuei
Full name: Mattole, an Athabaskan language.
Publisher data: Chicago: UCP.
Language(s): Mattole
Code(s): pca-mvb
Description: Grammatical sketch of the Mattole (proper) language supplemented with a glossary.
Source: Li 1930b
Author: Li, Fang-Kuei
Full name: A study of Sarcee verb-stems.
Publisher data: In: International Journal of American Linguistics, 6(1), pp. 3-27.
Language(s): Sarsi
Code(s): pca-srs
Description: Short glossary of Sarsi verbs.
Source: Lock 2007
Author: Lock, Arjen
Full name: Phonology Essentials: Abau Language.
Publisher data: Ukarumpa: SIL International.
Language(s): Abau
Code(s): seu-abu
Description: A detailed description of Abau phonology; includes a large selection of illustrative material in phonetic and phonological notation.
Source: Lock 2011
Author: Lock, A. H.
Full name: Abau Grammar. Data Papers on Papua New Guinea Languages, Vol. 57.
Publisher data: Ukarumpa: SIL-PNG Academic Publications.
Language(s): Abau
Code(s): seu-abu
Description: A detailed description of Abau grammar; includes a large selection of illustrative material in phonological notation (omitting tones).
Source: Lyman 1974
Author: Lyman, Thomas Amis
Full name: Dictionary of Mong Njua, a Miao (Meo) Language of Southeast Asia.
Publisher data: The Hague: Mouton.
Language(s): Hmong, Njua
Code(s): hmo-nju
Description: A large dictionary of the Hmong Njua language, illustrated by numerous textual examples and short notes on phonology and some grammar aspects.
Source: Lyth 1971
Author: Lyth, R. E.
Full name: A Murle grammar / A Murle vocabulary.
Publisher data: University of Khartoum.
Language(s): Murle
Code(s): srm-mrl
Description: This detailed grammatical description of Murle, dating back to the 1940s, is also accompanied by a representative Murle-English / English-Murle vocabulary. Prosodic information is not included, and there are reasons to doubt the accuracy of phonetic transcription in some cases, but the source is very important at least in terms of its sheer volume.
Source: Madalengoitia 2013
Author: Madalengoitia Barúa, María Gracia
Full name: Bosquejo fonológico de la lengua jebero (shiwilu). Master's thesis.
Publisher data: Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Language(s): Shiwilu
Code(s): kwp-jeb
Description: A short description of Shiwilu phonology. The words are cited without any context.
Source: Magometov 1970
Author: Магометов, А. А.
Full name: Агульский язык: Исследования и тексты [Aghul Language: Studies and Texts].
Publisher data: Тбилиси.
Language(s): Aghul, Proper
Code(s): lez-agp
Description: A grammar of the main Aghul dialects, supplemented by texts (unfortunately, in many cases the dialectal origin of the discussed forms is not specified by the author; it seems that normally these unmarked forms are proper Aghul).
Source: Maguire 1928
Author: Maguire, R. A. J.
Year: 1928
Full name: "Il-torōbo": Part II.
Publisher data: Journal of the Royal African Society 27(107): 249-268.
Language(s): Aasax
Code(s): scu-asa
Description: Very brief notes on Aramanik (= Aasax) with hardly more than a couple dozen words; still important as one of the very few sources on this extinct language.
Source: Mahapatra 1979
Author: Mahapatra, B. P.
Full name: Malto: An Ethnosemantic Study.
Publisher data: Manasagangotri: Central Institute of Indian Languages.
Language(s): Malto
Code(s): drv-mlt
Description: A grammatical description of Malto, concentrating on specific issues such as the nominal classificatory system of the language.
Source: Mahapatra 1987
Author: Mahapatra, B. P.
Full name: Malto-Hindi-English dictionary.
Publisher data: Manasagangotri: Central Institute of Indian Languages.
Language(s): Malto
Code(s): drv-mlt
Description: The most recent Malto dictionary, based on the Malpaharia dialect.
Source: Maheswaran 2008
Author: Maheswaran, C.
Full name: A descriptive grammar of the Kui language.
Publisher data: Bangalore: Dravidian University.
Language(s): Kui
Code(s): gku-kui
Description: Detailed grammar of Kui, accompanied by illustrative texts and a representative vocabulary. Based primarily on the Balliguda (China Kimedi) dialect.
Source: Maingard 1937
Author: Maingard, Louis F.
Full name: The ǂKhomani dialect of Bushman: its morphology and other characteristics.
Publisher data: In: Bushmen of the southern Kalahari. Ed. by J. D. Rheinallt Jones & C. M. Doke. Witwatersrand University Press, Johannesburg, pp. 237-275.
Language(s): ǂKhomani
Code(s): kwi-kho
Description: Brief grammar sketch of the ǂKhomani dialect; no separate vocabulary, but including a set of three translated texts in the language.
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